Economics, Business, Personal Development, and more important aspects to succeed in the modern world.

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Economics, Business, Personal Development, and more important aspects to succeed in the modern world.

Economics, Business, Personal Development, and more important aspects to succeed in the modern world.

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Systems theory of management is a conception of organizations as a system, made up of interrelated parts that are also related to the external world.

Max weber’s bureaucratic model is a theoretical conception of the ideal type of formal organization, it’s currently the best-known organization model.

Max weber’s bureaucratic model is a theoretical conception of the ideal type of formal organization, it’s currently the best-known organization model.


The law of demand states that the quantity demanded varies inversely with price when income and the prices of other goods remain constant.


An economic paradigm is a set of rules, theories, points of view, customs, etc., Paradigms allow structuring economic ideas or reasoning.


Marxist theory is a doctrine that eliminate private ownership of means of production, social classes & imposes centralized economic planning.


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